速報APP / 購物 / Gasmate Express Delivery

Gasmate Express Delivery





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本


Gasmate Express Delivery(圖1)-速報App

Gasmate Delivery app brings delivery, parts and services to our customers fingertips. Customers in the greater part of Dumaguete City and parts of Negros Oriental can now order Petron Gasul tank refills, request for repairs or spare parts all in the comfort of their homes using mobile devices. The app has the following features:

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖2)-速報App

1. Order Refills for different tank sizes

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖3)-速報App

2. Request for repairs and spare parts

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖4)-速報App

3. Check delivery or order status within the app

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖5)-速報App

4. Get notified via SMS for order completions

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖6)-速報App

5. One-click button to get in touch with Customer Support (subject to mobile carriage call rates)

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖7)-速報App

6. Customer Survey for future improvements in our services

Gasmate Express Delivery(圖8)-速報App

NOTE: App serves Dumaguete City and areas in the greater parts of Negros Oriental only.